It was very difficult in the beginning, because not only did I have three disciplines to train for, I was a newbie swimmer, so I had lessons as well. I didn't know how I was supposed to balance all of that, plus being a newlywed with a newlypuppy, teaching full time, etc. The club I was with at that time had workouts that were a tad far from where we lived, so for Saturday group rides, for example, I would be gone until at least noon, cutting into time with Jon on the weekend. After a while, it was wearing on me.
In my first blog post in early January, I explained why this year was the "now" for the 70.3s. I ascertained that it was in my best interest to stick with sprint and Olympic distances because I didn't want it to take away from important aspects in my life. The amount of training was perfect and I could still have a life. That was the key. STILL have a life outside of it. I couldn't (and can't) see myself giving up more than half of my day for training on a weekend day, plus hours both before and after school during the week, thus never really being home.
On Friday morning, the FCA devotional that I received in my email had this in the subject line: "Prioritize Your Life, Don't Let It Prioritize You". What a concept. Exactly what I had been mulling over for my blog post. Let me share with you what really stood out to me:
"Most people are under the assumption that one must neglect his family and everything else that is important to spend every waking moment preparing his team for success."
"Would you give up time with your family and with God in order to win ten national championships? Most of us know deep down that sacrificing our relationship with the Lord or our family for success, money, fame, etc., is wrong."
The great thing about having a coach like Frank, who is also a believer, is that he understood my hesitation to finally work for a 70.3 finish. I told him that I was worried about an increase in training (physically, I knew I was ready) - which of course had to happen to some degree - and how that would take away more time from being home with Jon and Duncan, having my alone time in the Word with devotionals in the evening...a healthy balance that I need. No matter what I have chosen to challenge myself with along the way, I have ALWAYS prayed about it and included Jon on the decision making. God and marriage=priority.
In order to be sure that training does NOT take away from what is most important has meant some change. Good change. Never did I see myself logging workouts on the trainer or running with strength training at 3:40 a.m. before school. What crazy person does THAT?? Good change has resulted in my afternoons being COMPLETELY freed up on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for us to have dinner together, relax, work on little things here and there for school, etc. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon, I have a swim workout only, then home with enough time again to BE at home. Finally, prepping all breakfast, lunch, and snacks for an hour or so on Sunday afternoon takes away stress and frees up time during the week! Again, what is MY priority?
I may get grief for doing so many indoor workouts, like the bike trainer or running on the treadmill, but I am completely happy with what I am doing, and my training is in a most excellent spot. Everyone's priorities are different, and I respect that, so I ask for the same in return. I'm completely fine not doing a 140.6 (oh, how many times I have been asked why I don't train for one) and no I don't get too bored being on the trainer/treadmill because I am working hard and focusing on my intervals. It is all about priorities. For me, this is what works. Don't be afraid to do what works for YOU. :)